History - International Federation

The International Federation of Film Societies (IFFS) was set up in 1947 in Cannes (France) by groups of film societies in countries throughout the world and is also known as Federation Internationale des Cine-Clubs (FICC). As of 2013, 39 countries are represented in this international organization.


International juries at film festivals (The Don Quijote award). This award is presently given at 13 festivals in Europe and Latin-America by juries comprised of film society members worldwide.

International film federation meetings. Every two years the IFFS organise the General Assembly and the World Conference of Film Societies. The last GA and WC were held in Recife (Brazil) in December 2010.

Networking. With an immediate network of film contacts worldwide, we help each other programme and source films, keep abreast of great films from around the world, and tackle other practical and philosophical film society issues.

Alternative distribution of quality film across the borders with CINESUD.  A catalogue of films subtitled in multiple languages and available for film society screenings worldwide. plataformacinesud.wordpress.com

Collect and disseminate film society news. We publish a newsletter with histories, anecdotes and information about film societies around the world. Newsletters and more are available on our website ficc.info

Publish a journal. The first issue was published in 2010 and aims to gather information and ideas from film societies worldwide in a high-quality publication. We aim to print two issues per year.

Grow and improve. If you have any ideas or initiatives or projects you think IFFS should be involved in, just let us know. We’re always looking for ways to improve.